Leading trade union Amicus has secured over £4,000 compensation for a member from Holywell, from Arquest Ltd – a manufacturer of Hygiene & Disposable Products. The compensation is for a workplace injury which was incurred by member Graham Hewitt. The compensation was secured by Amicus’ free legal help scheme via personal injury specialists Thompsons Solicitors.

Graham Hewitt sustained his injury in April 2005 while he was overseeing a machine on a raised metal platform. During the course of his work, he spotted a loose nappy in the vicinity of the flaps and tried to remove it. However, he slipped on the shiny metal and his right hand slid between the flaps of the machine.

Mr Hewitt explains: “As a result of the accident, I’ve suffered a crush injury to the index and middle fingers of my right hand which needed surgery. I’m very pleased with the support I’ve received from Amicus’ legal scheme; without specialist help from Thompsons I think Arquest would have got away with it.”

A spokesperson for Amicus comments: “We’re pleased that our member has secured the compensation he deserves. More and more members are becoming aware of the superior support offered by the free legal help scheme.”

Joanne Candlish from Thompsons Solicitors in Liverpool comments: “We’re pleased with the settlement secured on behalf of Mr Hewitt. The case was settled once Arquest conceded that they were in breach of Work Place Regulations and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment.”