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Skin Disease Claims

We can help current and retired trade union members make industrial skin disease claims free of charge.

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Skin Disease Claims

There are a number of causes of industrial skin diseases. Irritants such as dust, glues and chemicals are present in many workplaces and can cause inflammation, hypersensitivity, skin irritation or even allergic reactions. Prolonged exposure to water can also result in skin diseases such as industrial dermatitis.

With proper health and safety procedures most skin diseases can be avoided. Where employers fail to provide safe workplaces or adequate protection, workers can suffer from long-term discomfort through to severe pain and even – in cases of anaphylactic shock – death.

How Thompsons can support you with making a skin disease claim

If you’ve developed a skin disease as a result of your working conditions contact your union for advice. You will be able to take advantage of your union legal scheme who will refer you to our industrial disease specialists.

In addition to helping you to secure compensation for your injuries, we will also work with your trade union to encourage your employer to introduce better health and safety practices – making your workplace safer for everyone and making sure you’re not exposed to the hazardous substance in future.

David stood in garden
“The support I received from Thompsons Solicitors and the dedication with which they pursued my employer for compensation was great.” David, trade union member