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Industrial Diseases

We can help current and retired trade union members make industrial disease claims free of charge.

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Industrial Diseases

How Thompsons Solicitors can help trade union members make an industrial disease compensation claim

Thompsons Solicitors has an unparalleled reputation in the field of industrial disease claims. Thompsons, as a firm, has run the test cases in the UK which helped establish the right to claim for compensation for a wide range of conditions, including asbestos disease, industrial deafness, vibration white finger, welder’s lung and occupational cancer. These laws help to protect workers today. Thompsons Solicitors has pursed more successful industrial disease claims than any other law firm.

Every year we help thousands of union members affected by industrial disease to secure maximum compensation from the employers responsible for their suffering.

David stood in front of walkway
“The support I received from Thompsons Solicitors and the dedication with which they pursued my employer for compensation was great.” David, trade union member

Our experienced industrial disease lawyers are based across the UK and are unique in their commitment to only ever act for the injured or mistreated union member, never for insurance companies and never for employers.

If you or a loved one have been affected by industrial disease and would like to discuss making a claim, contact your union legal service for advice.

Things trade union members need to know about making an industrial disease claim for compensation

1. What are industrial diseases?

Industrial diseases are contracted during employment, usually following exposure to dangerous substances or inadequate health and safety procedures. Sometimes, workers with pre-existing conditions find their symptoms are exacerbated by their working conditions.

2. What are the most common industrial diseases?

Among the most common industrial diseases in the UK are vibration injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome; respiratory and lung diseases; skin diseases, such as industrial dermatitis; and occupational cancer, including asbestos-related illnesses.

3. Are my employers responsible for my industrial illness?

Employers are required by law to provide adequate protection for their staff’s wellbeing while they are at work, ensuring good health and safety practices are in place that minimise the risks of industrial illness. If you believe they have failed in their responsibilities, and you have become ill as a result, then you may be able to make an industrial disease claim.

To find out if you have a case, get in touch with our professional industrial disease solicitors on 0800 0 224 224. You can also contact us by filling in our free online Start a Claim form.

4. I’ve been diagnosed with an industrial disease. Can I make a claim for compensation through my union?

Yes. If you have been diagnosed with an industrial disease or illness in the last three years then you should make a claim through your union’s legal scheme as soon as possible. Our industrial illness lawyers have successfully secured industrial disease compensation for thousands of union members, who keep 100 per cent of the compensation awarded and receive all of the legal advice totally free of charge.

5. I’m a trade union member. Will it cost a lot to make an industrial disease compensation claim?

No. Trade union members and their family can access free legal advice and representation from Thompsons’ specialist industrial disease solicitors via their union’s legal service. Trade union members will also receive 100 per cent of the compensation secured in an industrial disease claim.

For more information, speak to us on 0800 0 224 224.

6. How much compensation will I get in an industrial illness claim?

The amount of compensation you receive for your industrial disease compensation claim depends on the severity of your condition, its impact on your lifestyle now and in the future, and the costs incurred as a result of it. Thompsons Solicitors’ industrial illness specialists will be able to give you an informed estimate of what you could be entitled to when they know the details of your case.

Contact us on 0800 0 224 224. We will always be honest about the likelihood of your case being a success and refuse to under-settle – our commitment is first and foremost to getting trade union members appropriate levels of personal injury compensation.

7. Is making an industrial disease compensation claim difficult?

Industrial illness compensation claims can be more complex than other personal injury claims, but Thompsons Solicitors’ industrial disease specialists will go above and beyond to ensure the process remains as stress-free as possible for you and your family, and that you are kept up-to-date with the progress of your case at all times. Thompsons Solicitors is also affiliated to a number of charities and support groups who can provide you and your family with help and guidance while your claim is ongoing.

Thanks to our legacy of working with UK trade unions and strong working relationships across the sector, Thompsons Solicitors has amassed a huge amount of expertise in running and winning industrial disease compensation claims. Because this type of personal injury is often associated with poor working practices or unsafe work environments, it’s common that we pursue multiple cases on behalf of workers suffering similar injuries against the same employers. This means we often have access to an existing body of proof which supports our clients’ cases against particular employers or involving specific workplaces.

8. I’ve just been diagnosed with an industrial disease that I think was caused by my working conditions years ago. Is it too late to investigate an industrial disease compensation claim?

No. Many industrial illnesses take years to develop and the law recognises that. If you were diagnosed with the condition, or only became aware of it, in the last three years, then you can start a compensation claim. Exposure to something that triggered your illness may have happened years earlier or your former workplace may no longer exist, but by using experts and our years of experience, we will seek to establish a link between your condition and working environment. But the challenge of proving a link between your condition and your previous employer are issues we commonly deal with and Thompsons Solicitors’ industrial illness specialists have extensive experience in this field: we successfully secure compensation for thousands of union members with industrial illnesses every year.

Contact us to begin your claim today.

9. Will I lose my job if I make an industrial disease compensation claim against my employers?

It is against the law for an employer to sack you just because you made an industrial disease compensation claim. Remember, your employer is legally obliged to have insurance that would cover them for such claims, and it is important that you raise awareness of any dangerous practices at work so that corrective measures can be taken to protect your colleagues.

If your employer attempts to dismiss you, then you should contact Thompsons Solicitors has employment law lawyers who will be able to work with you as you may have a case for unfair dismissal.

10. How long does it take to secure compensation in an industrial disease claim?

Each case is unique, so it is difficult to give an accurate estimate of how long it will take to settle your compensation claim without knowing the details. Straightforward industrial disease claims can be settled within months, but more complicated cases could take years. Whatever your situation, rest assured Thompsons Solicitors will work tirelessly to get you what you are entitled to as quickly as possible.