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Pleural Thickening Claims

Our expert asbestos solicitors can help current and retired trade union members claim compensation for pleural thickening.

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Pleural Thickening Claims

Thompsons has extensive and unrivalled experience of helping thousands of trade union members with pleural thickening to secure maximum compensation.

Pleural thickening is a condition which can be caused by exposure to asbestos. Symptoms include tightness around the chest and shortness of breath, but the condition can become more disabling and increase the risk of developing into more serious forms of asbestos-related disease.

Trade union members who are experiencing these symptoms and have a history of potential asbestos exposure should speak to their GP.

Like many other asbestos-related illnesses, the symptoms of pleural thickening may take decades to appear.

We are asbestos disease specialists with a long history of supporting trade unions to represent members diagnosed with pleural thickening. We will ensure that, where appropriate, cases for compensation include a provision to secure further damages if members go on to develop more serious forms of asbestos disease in future.

Charlie in his home
“Thompsons were fantastic. They sat down with me and went through my employment history in detail to help work out exactly when I had been in contact with asbestos and that meant I could make a compensation claim.” Charlie, trade union member


Why you should trust Thompsons Solicitors with your claim

In 1972, we won the first asbestos case brought to the House of Lords, and we’ve been involved in every major fight against the asbestos insurance industry ever since.

We operate the UK’s largest asbestos register, where those who have been exposed can record the details of their contact with asbestos. The database not only allows us to track the most common places of asbestos exposure, but also provides us with a pool of potential witnesses who may be able to support your claim.

In some cases, the register enables us to support family members of people who have passed away from asbestos diseases and help them bring a claim on behalf of their loved one. The register can help us identify where someone may have been exposed to asbestos, even if they are sadly no longer around to tell us.

If your employer at the time of your exposure no longer exists, our extensive records can help us identify and bring a claim against their insurer. This is often a complicated process as exposure often takes place many years before the onset of the asbestos-related illness, but something we regularly undertake.

Our asbestos experts will do everything they can to make the process as simple and easy as possible for you.

We can work with you over the phone or via video call and, if it is safe to do so, our experts will come and meet you in your home. You can also elect a family member to take care of the day-to-day running of your claim if you wish.

Making a claim through your union legal service is free of charge and you’ll keep the full amount of compensation awarded. You are very unlikely to keep your entire compensation award if you make a claim through a high street solicitor or claims company, as they will make a deduction from the amount due to you.


Can I claim for pleural plaques?

Pleural plaques affect the lungs in a similar way to pleural thickening, however a much smaller area of the lung is affected.

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to claim compensation for pleural plaques in England and Wales. If your pleural plaques develop into pleural thickening, you will be able to claim, so ensure you go for regular check-ups to monitor your condition.

If you were exposed to asbestos in Scotland or Northern Ireland, you can still claim for pleural plaques, so get in touch with your union legal service as soon as possible.