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Asbestosis Claims

Our expert asbestos solicitors can help current and former trade union members claim compensation for asbestosis.

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Asbestosis Claims

Thompsons has been fighting and winning asbestos disease cases longer than any other UK law firm. We won the first case brought to the House of Lords in 1972 and, since then, we have secured hundreds of thousands of pounds of compensation for trade union members diagnosed with asbestosis every single year.

Our specialist asbestos disease team manages the largest register of asbestos exposure in the UK, built up as a result of our extensive litigation in asbestos-related disease cases. The register gives us a comprehensive list of employers and institutions responsible for exposing people to the substance. If the company responsible for your asbestos exposure no longer exists, we may be able to take action against their insurer. 

We can also help you identify where you were exposed, if you are unsure, and find witnesses to help support your claim. If you would like to make a claim on behalf of a loved one who has passed away while suffering from an asbestos related disease, the register can help us identify where they may have been exposed so that we can start legal proceedings against those responsible.

Where asbestosis is not present, your lawyer will need to establish that you suffered prolonged or excessive exposure to asbestos during your occupation.

Making a lung cancer claim through your union legal service is completely free of charge and you will receive 100% of any compensation secured, unlike high street law firms and claims companies who will take a portion of your award.


Charlie in his home
“Thompsons were fantastic. They sat down with me and went through my employment history in detail to help work out exactly when I had been in contact with asbestos and that meant I could make a compensation claim.” Charlie, trade union member

What is asbestosis?

Asbestosis is a condition caused by asbestos exposure. 

The symptoms of asbestosis include chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing and tightness around the chest, all caused by the scarring and thickening of the lung tissue over time following long-term exposure to asbestos. If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek advice from your GP.

Asbestos was widely used in the past and remains in many buildings today. Those who have worked in professions known for contact with asbestos are at particular risk, however we have also won cases for workers’ family members after asbestos dust was brought into the home on their clothes - and even for children of those in the armed forces who were exposed while living or playing in asbestos buildings.

Professions known for a high chance of asbestos exposure include:

  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Fitters
  • Boilermakers
  • Shipbuilders
  • Carpenters
  • Joiners.

Although these professions are most commonly associated with asbestos exposure, people from all walks of life can be affected by asbestos related diseases. We have represented people from a wide range of backgrounds, including teachers, caretakers and local authority workers who have worked in places where asbestos is present in the fabric of the building.

If you have already received an asbestosis diagnosis, contact us for advice on starting a claim via your trade union legal service.