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Motorbike Accident Claims

Why trade union members should choose Thompsons Solicitors to make a Motorbike Accident claim

Motorbike accidents can lead to serious and even fatal injuries because of the vulnerable position riders are in while travelling on the road. Despite the fact that only one per cent of the UK’s road traffic is made up of motorbikes, many trade union members have turned to Thompsons Solicitors’ road accident lawyers because they, or a loved one, have been injured while riding their motorbike.

Injuries from motorbike accidents can include, but aren’t limited to, lacerations, broken bones, bruises and strains. In more serious cases there can be life-changing effects, such as long-term brain damage, spinal cord injury, serious burns or injuries which lead to amputation. Tragically, some motorcyclists don’t survive their injuries, and Thompsons Solicitors’ personal injury experts have supported many families whose lives have been shattered following the loss of a loved one.

"Even though my accident wasn’t work-related, I was still able to claim for compensation, which is very reassuring and proved a big help to me and my family.”

Nick trade union member

For more than 90 years, Thompsons Solicitors has been committed to the trade union movement, and has extensive experience in helping trade union members and their families to secure personal injury compensation following a motorbike accident.

Thompsons Solicitors is proud to only ever act for injured people and is uniquely committed to never working for insurance companies, because they pay out in cases and our commitment is to maximise compensation for those who have a claim.

By choosing Thompsons Solicitors to pursue a motorbike accident claim, trade union members will benefit from a guarantee of 100 per cent compensation and no legal fees – an offer non-union law firms cannot compete with.

In addition to securing high levels of personal injury compensation, our personal injury lawyers help trade union members and their families to make contact with specialist charities and support groups that can aid recovery.

Our expert road accident team will tell you clearly and honestly the likelihood of your claim being successful. Thompsons Solicitors prides itself on settling all claims as quickly and efficiently as possible, fighting to ensure that you aren’t short-changed by the insurer who is ultimately, whatever they say in their marketing literature, interested in keeping their profits in the bank and not handed over to injured people. 

Do you think you may have a claim for compensation following a motorbike accident? Contact our experts today on 0800 0 224 224 to discuss your claim in more detail.