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Serious Injury

Our solicitors are experts at securing compensation for union members who have been seriously injured at work or elsewhere.

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Serious Injury

Making a Serious Injury claim with Thompsons Solicitors

Thompsons Solicitors is trusted by the UK’s leading trade unions to represent their members if the worst should happen and they suffer a catastrophic or serious injury.

Our serious injury specialists have secured millions of pounds for trade union members injured in the most severe accidents, both in and out of the workplace.

We understand that serious injuries have both an immediate and enduring impact on the injured person’s life and the lives of their families. Thompsons Solicitors acts quickly, preparing a robust legal case to pursue interim compensation payments to ensure injured trade union members have access to the very best medical care, rehabilitation support, specialist equipment and lifestyle adaptations as early as possible.

We use our extensive expertise, built up over decades of running cases of the upmost severity, to secure multi-million pound settlements for trade union members who have suffered spinal cord injuries, severe burns, amputations, brain injuries or for the families of those who have lost their lives.

David spent three weeks in intensive care after suffering serious burn injuries. We helped him to access specialist support and secure a compensation settlement.

8 Frequently Asked Questions about Serious Injury compensation claims

1. What is the definition of a serious injury?

Serious injuries, often referred to as catastrophic injuries are those that have a significant and long-term impact on the life of the injured person and their family. Such injuries can include brain and spinal cord injuries, as well as amputations, serious burns, serious medical injuries and fatal accidents.  

2. I’ve had a serious injury outside of work. How can my union help me make a serious injury claim?

If you have suffered a serious injury in the past three years, including outside of work, your union provides free cover from Thompsons Solicitors’ serious injury lawyers who will investigate a claim for compensation on your behalf. Our specialists have secured millions of pounds in personal injury compensation for trade union members who have had life-changing injuries.

3. What is an interim payment?

As serious injury compensation claims can be complex and take time to conclude. An interim payment can be applied for to meet an immediate need, or to make up for a loss of earnings. The interim payment is deducted from the final sum of compensation set to be awarded to the claimant.

In serious injury claims, Thompsons Solicitors will always endeavour to secure an interim payment to ease the financial burden while your case is ongoing.

4. A family member has been seriously injured. Can they claim through my union membership?

If your relative has been injured in a non-work-related incident, then they could be entitled to make a serious injury claim through your membership – benefiting from the same legal expertise and 100% compensation guarantee as a result of your union membership. Every year, Thompsons Solicitors’ serious injury specialists help thousands of union members and their families to rebuild their lives after accidents. For more information, contact our experts on 0800 0 224 224.

5. How much will it cost me to make a serious injury claim through my union?

Nothing at all. You can access free legal advice and representation for a serious injury compensation claim through your union’s legal scheme. You will not face any legal fees and you will keep 100 per cent of the sum awarded to you in compensation – something no high street firm can promise.

6. How much compensation is awarded to people in serious injury claims? 

The amount of compensation awarded to people with serious injuries varies according to a number of factors, including the nature of the injury, its severity, any costs incurred as a result of the injury, and its impact on the injured person’s life. Thompsons Solicitors’ serious injury experts will review the details of your case before giving an indication of the amount you could be entitled to.

We routinely secure multi-million pound settlements for trade union members who endure spinal cord injuries or are the survivors of acquired brain injuries.

7. How much time do I have to make a serious injury claim through my union?

Most personal injury compensation claims in the UK must be made within three years of the accident occurring. There are limited exceptions, however, so if in doubt contact Thompsons Solicitors as soon as possible for guidance.

8. How do I start a claim for compensation for a serious injury through my union?

If you are a member of one of our trade union clients and you have suffered a serious injury in the last three years, you can start a claim for compensation by filling out Thompsons Solicitors’ simple, no-obligation claim form. One of our serious injury lawyers will call you back within 24 hours. Alternatively, you can call us on 0800 0 224 224 and speak direct to a serious injury specialist.