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Workplace Assault Claims

If you have been assaulted at work, we can help you claim compensation free of charge as part of your trade union membership.

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Workplace Assault Claims

You are entitled to a safe working environment and UK law imposes strict duties of care on employers to protect their staff and workers from attacks, assaults or other acts of violence in the workplace.

If you’ve been the victim of a workplace assault involving colleagues, customers or service users, your trade union legal service gets you access to independent advice on whether you have a case for compensation against your employer.

You deserve to be kept safe from risk and to return home at the end of each working day unharmed. If your employer failed to address known risks of violence and you have been hurt as a result, our specialist solicitors will support you.

We only ever act for the injured or mistreated party, never for employers, so you can be assured that we are fully on your side.

“I had no idea who to turn to, but then my union rep helped tremendously. He introduced me to Thompsons so I could take advantage of the free legal help scheme.”

Craig trade union member