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Road Traffic Accidents

Each year we help thousands of trade union members claim compensation for road traffic accidents.

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Road Traffic Accidents

Thompsons Solicitors' Road Accident specialists can help trade union members make a claim for compensation

According to figures released by the Department for Transport in the year ending March 2016, over 24,000 people were seriously injured or killed in collisions on the roads in the UK.

Every year, Thompsons Solicitors’ road accident claim specialists support thousands of trade union members and their families if they’re hurt on the roads to pursue road collision claims, cycling accident claims, pedestrian accident claims and motorbike accident claims, and secure compensation for their injuries.

Mark Saunders
Mark, our road traffic accident client
"Even though my accident wasn’t work-related, I was still able to claim for compensation, which is very reassuring and proved a big help to me and my family.”

Nick trade union member

We refuse to act for insurance companies and use the full weight of our experience and expertise to support injured road users.

Our road traffic accident lawyers use specialist knowledge and decades of experience to help union members injured during the course of their duties as bus or coach drivers, taxi drivers and HGV or lorry drivers, to claim personal injury compensation.

It’s a common misconception that trade union legal services only cover you for accidents or injuries that occur on work time. But that’s not the case.

Your dedicated union legal service also provides you and your family with road traffic accident compensation advice if you’re injured outside working hours as the driver or passenger in a car crash, a motorbike rider, a cyclist or a pedestrian.

Whether your personal injury occurred as a result of a road or car accident which took place either in or out of working hours, if it took place in the last three years, Thompsons Solicitors can help you to make a claim for compensation – free of charge.

Things trade union members need to know about making a Road Traffic Accident claim with Thompsons Solicitors

1. What is the definition of a road traffic accident?

The law defines a road traffic accident as a collision involving a vehicle on a road or in a public area that has caused damage or injury to a person, animal, another vehicle or property.

You can be the victim of a road accident whether you were driving, a passenger, on foot, riding a bicycle or horse when you sustained the injury.

2. I’ve been injured in a traffic accident outside of work. Can I claim for road accident compensation through my union?

Yes, depending on the terms of your union membership you should be able to make a claim for road accident compensation via your union’s legal scheme. Every year, Thompsons Solicitors secures hundreds of thousands of pounds in compensation for union members across the UK who have been injured in road accidents.

3. What injuries can I claim for in a road accident claim through my union membership?

If you have been injured in any way, physically or psychologically, in a road traffic accident then Thompsons Solicitors can help you investigate a claim for compensation through your union’s dedicated legal services. As a general rule, the more severe the injury the more compensation is awarded. Common injuries associated with road accident claims including bruising, soft tissue injuries (such as whiplash injury), lacerations, crush injuries, head injuries, burns and broken bones. More serious road accidents can lead to spinal cord injuries, amputations, brain injuries and even fatalities: Thompsons Solicitors has experience and expertise of acting on behalf of injured trade union members in all of these types of claims.

4. A family member has been injured in a road traffic accident. Can they make a claim for compensation through my union membership?

Every year, Thompsons Solicitors supports thousands of union members and their families, who have been hurt on the roads as a pedestrian, cyclist and driver, in successfully securing compensation.

Your union legal service offers family members compensation advice if they have been injured in a road traffic accident outside of working hours, whether as the driver or passenger of a vehicle, a motorbike rider, a cyclist or a pedestrian.

5. How much will it cost me to make a road accident compensation claim through my union membership?

Nothing. Trade union members can access free, specialist legal advice and representation through the union. Those using the union legal service via Thompsons Solicitors keep 100 per cent of the compensation awarded to them, however complex the injury claim.

To find out more information, visit our trade union hub or call our road traffic accident lawyers on 0800 0 224 224.

6. Do I need to make a road traffic accident claim within a certain period of time?

Yes. Claims following road accidents should be made within three years of the accident, or of the injury developing. There are limited exceptions to that rule, however, so if in doubt consult your union legal team as soon as possible.

. How long will I have to wait for my road traffic accident claim to be settled?

The more complicated the case, the longer the claim process tends to take. Thompsons Solicitors will always work to ensure you get as much as possible, as quickly as possible.