A self employed pipe fitter who was left with a nine inch scar on his thigh after he was scalded by boiling water has received compensation after help from his trade union.

Graham Tyers, 61, from Nottingham needed to take five weeks off work as a result of the accident which happened whilst he was working as a sub contractor for Ailsen Limited.

He was contracted by the company to insert new pipe work in a manhole at the University of Nottingham.

As he sat at the edge of the manhole pulling up the ladder at the end of the job the ladder caught on a valve and scalding water gushed onto his left thigh and his right ankle and hand.

Mr Tyers needed emergency treatment and has been left with a nine by five inch scar on his leg.

Following the accident he contacted his trade union, Unite the Union, for advice.

Instructed Thompsons Solicitors to investigate a claim for compensation

The union instructed its lawyers Thompsons Solicitors to investigate a claim for compensation. Thompsons discovered that Ailsen sent Mr Tyers in to do the job without having risk assessed it first and they argued that if they had done so a safer working system would have been arranged.

Ailsen admitted liability and settled the claim out of court for over £7,000.

Mr Tyers said: “People often think that the self employed don’t need a union but my case proves that you do. I paid subs in case things went wrong and when they did the union backed me. I wasn’t paid at all when I couldn’t work and I’ve been left with an ugly scar on my leg which gets irritated by my clothes at times, the union’s lawyers got my wages back and compensation for the scarring.”

Gary Guye from Unite the Union added: “A bit of common sense and checking the job out first could have prevented the agony and the wage loss that Mr Tyers suffered. The union is there for those who are self employed as much as those who have an employer and we are pleased to have helped Graham when he needed us.”

Susan Peters from Thompsons Solicitors said: “Self employment means no payment if you cant work so it was important to get Mr Tyers his lost wages back as well as compensation for his extremely painful injury and the scarring he will have for the rest of his life.”