A former plasterer, who worked for Chester College, has received £45,000 after developing an asbestos related disease.

The provisional settlement for pleural thickening will allow Anthony Martin, from Blacon, Cheshire, to re-open the claim at any point, as he now stands at risk of developing the fatal cancer mesothelioma.

The 65-year-old grandfather, who struggles to breathe and walk, was exposed to asbestos while working as a trained plasterer at Chester College, now Chester University.

The UNISON member worked at the college for 36 years before he retired.

No protection from asbestos or warnings of danger

During this time, he helped a joiner insulate the college theatre roof, using asbestos, but was not given any protection, or warned of the dangers to his health.

Mr Martin said:

“The compensation is a relief, but I’d rather have my health back. 

“The most important thing for me is knowing that my wife and family will be able to claim compensation if the worst does happen.

“I try not to let my disability affect my day-to-day life, but it does leave me breathless.

“I know that there is a risk I could get cancer and I try to push that to the back of my mind, I am trying to deal with it the best I can.”

Thompsons Solicitors recovered compensation for asbestos victim

UNISON’s General Secretary, Dave Prentis, said:

“We are pleased that Mr Martin has received some compensation to help him and his family cope living with this disease.

“But the money will never make up for his disability, or increased risk of developing cancer.

“The employers put his health and safety in serious jeopardy by exposing him to asbestos with no protection.”

Steven Dickens, of Thompsons Solicitors, added: 

“The settlement enables Mr Martin to have the benefit of some compensation now, while preserving his right to re-open the claim in the future.

“This means that he will be compensated if he should sufferer serious deterioration, due to progression of his pleural thickening, or other asbestos related conditions, including mesothelioma and asbestos induced lung cancer.”