In its response to the Ministry of Justice consultation, which ends today, Thompsons Solicitors sets out four key demands:

• Legislation to overturn the House of Lords decision.

Only if the judgment is not be overturned then:

• A no fault scheme paid for by insurers.

And in any event:

• An insurance fund of last resort for workers’ compensation.
• Outlawing the use of “CT scan vans” by claims farmers.

Ian McFall, Thompsons’ head of asbestos policy said: ”Overturning the House of Lords decision would restore justice to people whose lungs bear the scars caused by negligent exposure to asbestos”.

Thompsons says that the only acceptable alternative to overturning the Lords’ ruling is a no fault compensation scheme paid for by the insurance industry, running hand in hand with an insurance fund of last resort for workers’ compensation - an Employers Liability Insurance Bureau (ELIB) - based on the Motor Insurance Bureau model.

“When insurance companies saved £billions as a result of the Lords’ ruling last year they said they wanted to get compensation more quickly to people who are affected by the deadly effects of asbestos,” says McFall. “Insurers now have an opportunity to back up their warm words with action. They have the reserves to compensate people with pleural plaques. It would be a scandal for them to now say that they wont use those reserves and hypocrisy of the highest order for them not to agree to an insurance fund of last resort.”

An ELIB would guarantee that workers injured or killed by negligent, uninsured employers have the same right to compensation as people injured or killed by uninsured drivers.

McFall said: “By establishing an ELIB the government would reinforce its commitment to asbestos sufferers and create a permanent legacy for the benefit of injured working people.

“No other single measure would better serve to protect the interests of injured workers and, in particular, asbestos victims and their families.”

Read Thompsons Solicitors' full response to the Ministry of Justice Pleural Plaques Consultation.