The family of a Unite the Union member has received compensation after their father was diagnosed with an asbestos related disease.

The 75-year-old from Cheshire sadly died from a heart attack in May 2012 and was unable to benefit from the compensation. His family continued the claim on his behalf.

The Unite member was exposed to asbestos while working for a chemicals company for 35 years.

He was first diagnosed in 2006 with asbestosis causing a 10% disability.

Asbestosis usually develops after exposure to a lot of asbestos over a long period of time. The condition greatly increases the risk of lung cancer.

Instructed asbestos compensation specialists Thompsons Solicitors

Following his diagnosis he contacted Unite Legal Services, which instructed asbestos compensation specialists Thompsons Solicitors to investigate a claim.

The case was settled on a provisional basis which allowed the client to re-open the claim if his condition worsened due to asbestos disease.

In November 2011 the asbestosis worsened to a 30% disability. Thompsons was able to secure further compensation which the family received following his death.

The Unite member’s son said: “My dad always knew that there was a risk of his condition becoming worse over time and he was wise to take a provisional settlement in his original case. Unfortunately his fears came true when his condition became worse.

“The family knew how important it was for him to claim compensation so we were determined to continue the claim on his behalf.”

Asbestosis is a debilitating disease

Paul Finegan from Unite the Union added: “Asbestosis is a debilitating disease. This case clearly shows how our member’s condition declined and that it is important he and his family were be able to claim further compensation.

“Our members should be reassured that Unite Legal Services are at hand to support them and their families.”

Joanne Candlish, Head of the Liverpool Asbestos Team from Thompsons Solicitors added: “Asbestosis is a crippling respiratory disease, often developed following years of negligent exposure in the workplace.

“I am pleased this case was settled for this family but are saddened that the Unite member was too frail to see the compensation in his lifetime.“