A leading academic at the University of Manchester (formerly UMIST) tomorrow (26 January) faces claims that he sacked a research associate because she was pregnant and having treatment for breast cancer.

Professor John McCarthy, along with UMIST, is being taken to the Manchester employment tribunal by Dr Marina Ptushkina, a scientist in Biomolecular Sciences. Dr Ptushkina is claiming unfair dismissal and sex discrimination. Her claim is backed by her trade union, the Association of University Teachers, and she is represented by union lawyers Thompsons.

Dr Ptushkina's contract was ended abruptly shortly after returning to work after a third breast cancer operation in a row, this time a mastectomy, and when she was three months pregnant with her second child.

Dr Ptushkina will claim in her evidence that  Professor McCarthy denied her the opportunity to recover properly after undergoing cancer surgery. The Tribunal  will also hear her claim that  he had previously called her commitment to her work into question when, after giving birth to her first child, she reduced her working hours to 8 hours a day from at least 12.

Dr Ptushkina is a highly dedicated scientist with publications in top-rated international research journals. Her latest paper was published two months before she was dismissed. Ironically, her own area of research may have applications to the treatment of cancer.

Notes for editors

red bullet marking list itemThe case is being heard at the Manchester Employment Tribunal.

red bullet marking list itemThe AUT is the trade union and professional association for over 48,700 UK higher education professionals. It provides high quality support and services for academics, researchers, administrators, librarians, computer staff and postgraduate tutors.