A woman from East Yorkshire has secured over £3,000 compensation after an anniversary cruise on the Queen Mary 2 turned into a nightmare.  The damages were secured through leading trade union UNISON via their free legal help scheme with personal injury specialists Thompsons Solicitors.

The woman is employed by a nearby local council.  In May 2006 she was on board a cruise ship with her husband to celebrate their wedding anniversary.  The couple was aboard the Queen Mary 2 - owned and operated by Cunard, - which was travelling from Southampton to Norway. 

Whilst taking in the sights on her balcony one morning, a sheet of glass fell down towards her from a deck above. The glass missed her by inches but caused her to fall backwards to the ground, injuring her right wrist and right side.

She explains: "I'd never been on a cruise before and I was frightened by what happened.  Whilst having rooms with a private balcony on the first morning on board I decided to go outside to take in the sights.   Out there it all happened very quickly and I saw something like a blue sheet coming towards me from above.  I moved back to try and avoid it because if I hadn’t the glass would have hit me!

"I managed to continue my holiday although in pain.  The same morning there was also a murder on the cruise.  These incidents ruined my holiday and my sleep pattern was broken."

Trade Union Legal Services Cover Holiday Accident

Rob Batty from UNISON said: "We are pleased with the result of this case.  It illustrates the value and importance of union membership today, which covers not only accidents at work but also injuries sustained while on holiday."

Commenting, her lawyer Nikki Sharpe at Thompsons Solicitors in Sheffield, said: "Cunard and other holiday operators clearly have a duty of care to holiday-makers and in this case that duty was breached.  The amount of compensation secured will not only compensate our client for her injuries but also for the fact that her holiday was ruined."