A factory worker whose leg was crushed after he was run over by a forklift truck has received compensation after help from his trade union.

The 61-year-old, from Rugby was left with crush injuries to his left leg after it became trapped under the 2.5 tonne truck when he was knocked over at Cov Press in Coventry, where he works as a print operator.

The man, who has worked for the engineering company for 46 years, was walking through the shop floor when he was hit. Neither he or the forklift truck driver saw each other because he was behind a blind corner and the passageway for vehicles was not clearly designated. He was knocked to the ground and the truck had to be driven back over his leg before he could be freed.

His leg was severely cut and he needed to take three weeks off work. When he returned he was on light duties for several months.

Fortunately he has been told his leg will make a full recovery.

Thompsons Solicitors made claim for compensation

After the accident he contacted his trade union, Unite the Union, for advice. Unite instructed Thompsons Solicitors to investigate a claim for compensation.

Thompsons argued that Cov Press should have had clear traffic routes for the fork lift trucks and ensured that trucks couldn’t be driven where pedestrians were likely to be hit.

Cov Press admitted liability and settled the claim out of court.

The Unite member said: “I’ve worked with my employers for most of my life and this is the first time I’ve had to take time off work for an accident of this nature. I was using a route across the factory which I use every day but didn’t see the truck coming as it was in my blind spot. I didn’t stand a chance.

“My leg still gives me some discomfort but I’ve been told that it should be back to normal in a year or so. I hope that my accident and claim for compensation will ensure that my employer acts to stop something like this happening again.”

Adrian Ross from Unite the Union added: “This is a well established engineering company which should have known better than to allow fork lift trucks to be used in areas where employees travelled on foot. We hope lessons have been learnt and that safer systems have now been implemented in this workplace.”

John Mullen from Thompsons Solicitors said: “Factories can be dangerous places where forklift trucks and other vehicles are often using the same pathways as employees. Employers must risk assess the workplace and make sure that traffic routes are well marked to avoid this type of accident from happening.”