A driving examiner who was knocked off his motorbike by a car and suffered serious injuries has received compensation after help from his trade union.

Daryl Donaldson, 49, from Dersingham in Norfolk has been left with limited movement in his right wrist and left shoulder after he was hit by a Nissan Almera while on his way home from work on the A605.

He was attempting to overtake the Almera when it pulled out just as he was passing it.

He was knocked from his bike and had to be airlifted to hospital. He needed several operations including a bone graft and then a fusion of his right wrist and surgery to his shoulder and has been left with continuing pain and limited movement in the right wrist and left shoulder.

Lost his job as a result of injuries

Before the accident he worked as a driving examiner, mainly examining those sitting their motorbike test. He was able to return to work after six months but was unable to ride a motorbike and after the fusion operation on his right wrist and more than a year off work he lost his job on capability grounds.

Mr Donaldson, who is a member of the PCS trade union, used to be an HGV driver but cannot return to that role because he is now unable to manage the heavier aspects of the job.

He is now working in a theory driving test assessment centre.

Following the accident he contacted the PCS which instructed its lawyers Thompsons Solicitors to pursue a claim for compensation.

The compensation will help financially

The Almera driver pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention. The driver’s insurers settled the claim out of court.

Mr Donaldson said: “The last few years have been both difficult and frustrating. I’ve had to give up my career and I can’t ever imagine riding a motorbike again.

“This compensation will help financially but I’d much rather that the accident had never happened.”

Phil Madelin from the PCS said: “This case shows just how important trade union legal services are to our members. We have been able to support Mr Donaldson during a very difficult time to allow him to concentrate on his recovery and adjusting to his new limitations rather than worrying about this claim for compensation.”

Lisa Gunner from Thompsons Solicitors added: “This client has had to give up on motorbikes, which was both a hobby and the way he made a living. The accident, which was caused by the negligence of the driver, led to our client suffering a great deal of worry and financial hardship. This claim helped to alleviate both the worry and provide some financial security for our client.