Relatives of people killed at work have launched a group called Families against Corporate Killers (FACK). The Group is a national campaigning network which will campaign to stop workers and others being killed in preventable incidents and will direct bereaved families to sources of legal help and emotional support.

FACK believes families bereaved as a result of unsafe and unhealthy workplaces are both angry and frustrated. The families feel as if they have been robbed twice, firstly of their loved ones in incidents that should have been prevented by employers simply obeying the law on workplace health and safety; and secondly of their right to justice.

The campaign is seeking urgent government action to halt the complacency about deaths at work and is calling for new laws which will bring dangerously negligent bosses to justice. FACK wants a review of the way work-related deaths are investigated and the way the grieving families are treated. It also believes workers and safety reps must be given more rights to protect themselves against exposure to unacceptable risks to their lives and health.

Seriously Injured or Killed at Work

For quite some time now, Thompsons Solicitors have been campaigning with the help of Trade Unions to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities at work. They have also been calling for new laws to punish employers who continue to allow their employees to work in unsafe workplaces.