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A man rides a blue and yellow bicycle along a busy road

Road Traffic Accident Case

Cycle Accident Client

Our client, a member of the UCU, was knocked off his bike in a cycle lane when a driver of a van swung out of a side turning and hit him side on.

The 50-year-old was thrown from his bike and left with mild concussion and bruising to his left thigh, leg and elbow. His bike was damaged beyond repair.

He didn’t need immediate hospital treatment but had a course of physiotherapy to ensure his injuries properly healed.

After the accident he contacted the UCU and instructed Thompsons Solicitors to investigate a claim for compensation. Thompsons went on to secure £4,326 in compensation for him.

He said: “The horrible thought I have is that if the van had been travelling any faster I could have died. Drivers have a responsibility to check the roads and be aware of other road users, and this individual failed to do that.

“I have bought a new bike and fortunately I am confident enough to cycle on the roads again.”

"Drivers have a responsibility to check the roads and be aware of other road users, and this individual failed to do that."

Trade union member