49-year old Gareth Llewellyn, a Research Officer employed by the University College of Swansea, was knocked off his motorbike by the driver of a car in St Helen’s Road in Swansea on the 15th of August 2003.  His case was fought by Thompsons Solicitors.

Mr Llewellyn suffered multiple spinal injuries and was initially treated at Morriston Hospital in Swansea before being transferred to the Spinal Injuries Unit at the University Hospital of Wales where he underwent a posterior stabilising procedure of the spine.  He subsequently developed a pulmonary embolism and was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit.  Mr Llewellyn then underwent a period of rehabilitation at Rookwood Hospital.

Despite the horrific injuries to Mr Llewellyn, the driver of the vehicle and her insurance company, Provident plc, denied liability, claiming that Mr Llewellyn was speeding and cut across her path.  Police evidence indicated that this was not the case.

As a member of trade union Amicus, Mr Llewellyn issued court proceedings through Thompsons Solicitors on the 27th of September 2004.  Prior to filing a defence, an offer was made by the insurance company of £50,000 but this was rejected.  Further offers were made, but again Thompsons Solicitors said that it was not sufficient compensation for the pain, disability and future loss of earnings.

To support the case, Thompsons Solicitors sought medical evidence from a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, consultant neurologist, consultant urologist, consultant psychiatrist and consultant in rehabilitation.  A care report and housing report were also obtained.

Being a member of trade union, Amicus, Mr Llewellyn was able to call on Thompsons Solicitors.   Cathy Speight, Regional Secretary for Amicus, said: "Mr Llewellyn’s union membership gave him access to legal advice and support which enabled him to secure proper compensation.  Thompsons were extremely thorough, ensuring that all the right evidence was obtained and presented."

Handling Mr Llewellyn’s case, Angharad Rowles of Thompsons Solicitors in Swansea, said:  "Mr Llewellyn was fortunate to survive the accident and his injuries were multiple and very serious.  Since the accident he has only been able to work one day per week and he is unable to pursue any of the sporting interests that he previously enjoyed so much.  He led an extremely active life which has been taken away.  The compensation will go some way towards helping Mr Llewellyn to reconstruct his life".

"It was important to ensure maximum compensation to ensure that he would be fairly compensated for his future needs. He needs assistance with his personal care and most household tasks are well beyond him.  Changes to his living accommodation, such as a stair lift, may also be necessary."

Commenting, Mr Llewellyn said: "I’m grateful to the medical staff who’ve helped me so much over the past three years.  I’m also thankful to Amicus and Thompsons for helping me to fight my case and claim proper compensation.  Without their support, expertise and determination to see my case through, I would have been left with the unacceptable offer initially made by the insurance company."