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News Releases

Our hard work and expertise brings tens of thousands of personal injury and employment rights cases to a successful conclusion for trade union members and their families every year. In this section you can find the latest press releases and news from across Thompsons Solicitors.

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Employment Matters

Blacklisting Victory Campaign

We're proud to have supported Unite the Union in securing over £10m in...

South African Miners

South African miners and their families won a landmark £45 million set...

UK workers must not be left worse off than their European counterparts post-Brexit

Thompsons urges the UK Government not to cave to political pressures. ...

Justice select committee report an indictment of government’s approach to tribunal fees, says leading solicitors

Thompsons welcomes report and criticism of government’s imposition of ...

Employment Tribunal fees are pricing workers out of the justice system

Independent research carried out by the conciliation service ACAS lays...

Construction ‘blacklisting’ victory sees £10 million pay-out to 256 workers

Construction ‘blacklisting’ victory sees £10 million pay-out to 256 wo...

Key victory for UNISON at Tribunal: Voluntary overtime counts towards holiday pay

Key victory for UNISON at Tribunal: Voluntary overtime counts towards ...

Thompsons Solicitors secured nearly £4 million for RMT members in 2015

Over the last 12 months, Thompsons Solicitors has won millions of poun...

Unfairly dismissed over a text - Unite Legal Services wins case for member

Warehouse supervisor compensated for unfair dismissal ...