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Employment Law Review

Thompsons’ Employment Law Review is recognised as an authoritative source of comment and discussion from our trade union law specialists. Available to read here, and also via a weekly email bulletin, the Employment Law Review offers considerable insight into the latest issues affecting trade unions and their members.

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Latest Issues

Weekly Issue 850

  • Acas data on tribunal disputes
  • Discrimination by association
  • Disclosure context

Weekly Issue 849

  • Zero-hours contracts
  • Actual comparators
  • Claim form as a whole

Weekly Issue 848

  • Rise in stress-related illness at work
  • Unconditional Authority
  • Amendment Application

Information and consultation

Weekly Issue 850

Acas data on tribunal disputes

The conciliation service, Acas, has published statistics showing the number of complaints that got as far as a hearing and the rough cost to UK organisations.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 850

Discrimination by association

When deciding a complaint connected to someone with an impairment, tribunals must compare the claimant with someone (real or not) in very similar circumstances.


Weekly Issue 850

Disclosure context

When considering a claim for protection after someone has blown the whistle, tribunals have to ensure that they take into account all relevant circumstances.

Zero hours contracts

Weekly Issue 849

Zero-hours contracts

Research by an independent government body has found that most workers are unaware of the legal rights of people who have a contract with no guaranteed hours.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 849

Actual comparators

When lodging a complaint of bias, claimants can choose a real person in a similar set up or provide evidence of a similar set up allowing an assumption of bias.

Employment rights

Weekly Issue 849

Claim form as a whole

When assessing whether each section of a claim form has been completed, the appeal tribunal has said that courts should not be too mechanical in their approach.

Health and Safety

Weekly Issue 848

Rise in stress-related illness at work

According to the agency monitoring conditions at work, there has been a rise in the number of workers reporting that they are experiencing mental health issues.

Employment rights

Weekly Issue 848

Unconditional Authority

The appeal court has held that when deciding on whether an individual has the right to represent their client, tribunals must actively investigate their status.

Unfair dismissal

Weekly Issue 848

Amendment Application

When deciding whether to allow changes to a claim that has already been submitted, tribunals must carefully compare the initial claim with the proposed changes.

Industrial Action

Weekly Issue 847

Proposal to use agency workers during strike action

Despite an earlier court defeat, the government is again proposing the introduction of new laws to allow agency workers to be hired during labour stoppages.

Employment rights

Weekly Issue 847

Clarity in complaints

Although tribunals have the power to prohibit a claim outright, the appeal tribunal has made clear they must follow certain rules when considering that option.

UK Law

Weekly Issue 847

Not closely connected

When asserting that an employer is responsible for the acts of a third party, a claimant has to show that both parts of the appropriate test have been met.