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Employment Law Review

Thompsons’ Employment Law Review is recognised as an authoritative source of comment and discussion from our trade union law specialists. Available to read here, and also via a weekly email bulletin, the Employment Law Review offers considerable insight into the latest issues affecting trade unions and their members.

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Latest Issues

Weekly Issue 850

  • Acas data on tribunal disputes
  • Discrimination by association
  • Disclosure context

Weekly Issue 849

  • Zero-hours contracts
  • Actual comparators
  • Claim form as a whole

Weekly Issue 848

  • Rise in stress-related illness at work
  • Unconditional Authority
  • Amendment Application

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 842

Unqualified managers

Recent research has found that there are a number of important benefits to ensuring that people in management positions are properly qualified for the role.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 842

Full participation

According to an appeal decision, tribunals must always take into account the sensitivities of vulnerable applicants to ensure their procedures are inclusive.

Transfers of Undertakings

Weekly Issue 842

Transfer of share option plan

The appeal court has clarified that, as long as an employee right was connected with their contract, it transferred over when a new owner took over the firm.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 841

Managing the menopause

According to new research, women workers going through life changes do not get the support they need mainly because most managers are not given any training.

Employment rights

Weekly Issue 841

Statutory waymarks

The appeal tribunal has said that, when determining whistleblowing cases, tribunals must follow the legal signposting as set out in the relevant legislation.

Unfair dismissal

Weekly Issue 841

Single incident

Although tribunals have to consider a number of different components in unfair dismissal cases, these must include any guidelines provided to the employee.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 840

Financial gain claim

A claimant who made multiple applications claiming potential discrimination has been told by a tribunal that he cannot benefit from such a cynical approach.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 840

Coping vs avoidance

An appeal tribunal has held that tribunals must take into account certain information to decide whether a claimant can cope with an impairment or just avoid it.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 839

Workplace dress codes

A study has found that most minority ethnic job applicants have real concerns about how a potential employer may react to the way they dress or wear their hair.

Employment rights

Weekly Issue 839

Rectifying a mistake

Although there are strict deadlines for lodging claims, tribunals can exercise a limited discretion depending on the circumstances that resulted in missing it.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 839

Online application

The law states that if an employer should have known the impact of someone’s impairment on, say, applying for a job, then they effectively had knowledge of it.