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Employment Law Review

Thompsons’ Employment Law Review is recognised as an authoritative source of comment and discussion from our trade union law specialists. Available to read here, and also via a weekly email bulletin, the Employment Law Review offers considerable insight into the latest issues affecting trade unions and their members.

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Latest Issues

Weekly Issue 850

  • Acas data on tribunal disputes
  • Discrimination by association
  • Disclosure context

Weekly Issue 849

  • Zero-hours contracts
  • Actual comparators
  • Claim form as a whole

Weekly Issue 848

  • Rise in stress-related illness at work
  • Unconditional Authority
  • Amendment Application

Employment rights

Weekly Issue 846

ILO calls for improved worker protection

This issue looks at a critique of UK employment rights, when employers can sack inflexible workers and the nexus between detriment and bonus in discrimination.

Fixed-term, flexible and part-time workers

Weekly Issue 846

Providing effective care

A tribunal has ruled that employers can sack a worker who refuses to adopt a more flexible working pattern which is needed to achieve certain important goals.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 846

Not disadvantaged by an advantage

When claiming indirect discrimination, the appeal tribunal has made clear that complainants cannot claim a detriment as a result of having been denied a bonus.

Maternity/Parental rights

Weekly Issue 845

Obstacles facing women returners

Research carried out by a feminist organisation has identified a number of different barriers facing women who want to come back to work after having a baby.

Employment rights

Weekly Issue 845

Failure to comply

Tribunals have extensive powers that they can use to end a complaint, for instance where the claimant did not abide by an order to provide certain information.

Redundancy and Protective Awards

Weekly Issue 845

Reasonable refusal

When considering if a job has become obsolete and a suitable one offered in its place, tribunals must ask certain questions including the view of the claimant.

Zero hours contracts

Weekly Issue 844

Code of practice on predictable working hours

New guidance for employers who employ workers with hours that they cannot predict has been published for discussion and consideration by interested parties.

Working time and holiday pay

Weekly Issue 844

Holiday pay deductions

The highest court in the land has given its judgment in a lengthy case which has been concerned with how employers should calculate payment during annual leave.


Weekly Issue 844

Chain of causation

The appeal tribunal has said that when trying to identify whether a causal sequence has been breached, tribunals must find the single cause of the alleged loss.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 843

New law against sexual harassment

A new law has been passed against intimidation which will require employers to take steps to ensure that women in particular are not pestered in the workplace.

Transfers of Undertakings

Weekly Issue 843

Geographical location

The appeal tribunal has made clear that transfers of ownership of a business are not restricted by geography, provided at least part of it is located in the UK.

Contract of employment

Weekly Issue 843

Mutual consent

In this case relating to a reciprocal arrangement resulting in the termination of the employee’s contract, there was no evidence to suggest he had been coerced.