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Employment Law Review

Thompsons’ Employment Law Review is recognised as an authoritative source of comment and discussion from our trade union law specialists. Available to read here, and also via a weekly email bulletin, the Employment Law Review offers considerable insight into the latest issues affecting trade unions and their members.

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Latest Issues

Weekly Issue 850

  • Acas data on tribunal disputes
  • Discrimination by association
  • Disclosure context

Weekly Issue 849

  • Zero-hours contracts
  • Actual comparators
  • Claim form as a whole

Weekly Issue 848

  • Rise in stress-related illness at work
  • Unconditional Authority
  • Amendment Application

Vulnerable and migrant workers

Weekly Issue 834

Insecure work

A new report has found that precarious work, which is often accompanied by low pay, dominates in specific sectors of the economy and certain parts of the UK.

Unfair dismissal

Weekly Issue 834

Dismissal meeting

Although it is recommended that employers engage in a face to face meeting before dismissing an employee, it may still be fair even if they fail to do that.

Employment rights

Weekly Issue 834

Interests of justice

When considering whether to rectify trivial mistakes on application forms, it is imperative that tribunals consider first and foremost the fairness of doing so.

Vulnerable and migrant workers

Weekly Issue 833

Insecure work

According to research, it is a fallacy that workers undertake precarious jobs in order to enjoy more adaptable hours of work but rather because of other issues.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 833

Perception of harassment

According to a recent appeal tribunal ruling, the basics for proving intimidation at work include an awareness by the worker that the intimidation occurred.

Employment rights

Weekly Issue 833

Case clarification

When someone is representing themselves at a tribunal, the judge must ensure they get the help they need, including clarification of the matters to be heard.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 832

Pregnant then screwed

Recent research has found a shocking level of bias against women workers with babies which emanates not just from their managers but also their co-workers.

Employment rights

Weekly Issue 832

Grounds for review

When dealing with an area of law that is generally accepted as settled, tribunals still need to avoid falling into the trap of imposing an outright prohibition.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 832

Protecting beliefs

When considering a claim for prejudice on the basis of someone’s faith, tribunals must determine the employer’s motives behind the decision that they took.

Fixed-term, flexible and part-time workers

Weekly Issue 831

New ACAS code on flexible working

An independent public body has recently started a dialogue to consider changes to the rules on adjusting working hours in advance of new laws coming into force.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 831

Corrupted information

The appeal tribunal has emphasised the requirement on tribunals to identify the person who took the decision to dismiss an employee claiming discrimination.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 831

Different disability approach

A recent decision has highlighted the importance for claimants of ensuring that they lodge their claim under the correct section of the relevant legislation.