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Employment Law Review

Thompsons’ Employment Law Review is recognised as an authoritative source of comment and discussion from our trade union law specialists. Available to read here, and also via a weekly email bulletin, the Employment Law Review offers considerable insight into the latest issues affecting trade unions and their members.

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Latest Issues

Weekly Issue 850

  • Acas data on tribunal disputes
  • Discrimination by association
  • Disclosure context

Weekly Issue 849

  • Zero-hours contracts
  • Actual comparators
  • Claim form as a whole

Weekly Issue 848

  • Rise in stress-related illness at work
  • Unconditional Authority
  • Amendment Application

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 838

Risks from AI

The main UK union body has set up a committee of experts in order to draft a new law which aims to protect workers from various developments in new technology.

Definition of a worker

Weekly Issue 838

Parties to the contract

As there was a contract between an organisation and two companies that an individual had set up, that person could not satisfy the criteria for being a worker.

Unfair dismissal

Weekly Issue 838

Quick dismissal

Once a tribunal had decided that an employee was not given the chance to change their behaviour, it could not then decide that it was fair to dismiss them.

Vulnerable and migrant workers

Weekly Issue 837

Childcare workforce crisis

Because of a serious dearth of workers to look after children, the TUC has developed an overarching blueprint to try to resolve the problems that has created.

Breach of contact

Weekly Issue 837

New terms and conditions

When deciding if a variation of an employee’s contract amounted to a dismissal, the appeal court has said tribunals must compare the old one with the new one.

Unfair dismissal

Weekly Issue 837

Delayed claim

If a claimant does not lodge their complaint within a certain time limit, the tribunal does not have to turn it down even if they did not explain the delay.


Weekly Issue 836

Higher pay for multi-millionaires

A new report has found that senior executives who are already extremely well paid, were awarded even higher pay increases last year compared to the year before.

Unfair dismissal

Weekly Issue 836

Repeated dismissal

There is nothing in law to stop an employer from legally terminating an individual’s employment on multiple occasions, not least if it is to their benefit.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 836

Something arising

Even if a company was wrong in its belief that their disabled employee had been working another job while off sick, it could still constitute discrimination.

Equality, discrimination and harassment

Weekly Issue 835

Job challenges for women on low income

A study has found that upcoming work for women who earn very little may prove disadvantageous to them unless employers make changes to accommodate their needs.

Definition of a worker

Weekly Issue 835

Dual employment

When deciding whether someone is an employee or worker for two potential employers, tribunals must consider if they are carrying out the same work for both.

European Law

Weekly Issue 835

European Works Councils

Although different rules exist for dealing with boards of workers post-EU, a court has said that companies based in the UK have to honour existing arrangements.